EVA, while at Universal Studios Harry Potter World celebrating Geema and Geepa’s 50th anniversary: “Kai’s wand is adventurous but temperamental.” KAI: “What does temperamental mean?” NARRA: “It’s when you want it to do something but it does something else.” KAI: “Like me!”
EVA, totally stuffed up and hoarse: “I think I’m better! I should go to school.” SASHA: “Eva, you had a fever last night. Fevers don’t just go away like that.” EVA: “But it came like that!”
NICK: “If you want to know one of the dumbest things I know, it’s that Vanilla Ice’s DJ is named Deshay.”
SASHA: “Kai, can you STOP being a brat for TEN MINUTES?!” (Pause) KAI: “Alexa, set a timer for 10 minutes.”
NICK: “Kai and I wrote a song together, want to hear it? It’s called ‘Vomit.’”
NARRA: “Do you know what a bachelor is?” KAI: “Yeah, it's a person who...wait -- that's a butcher.”
EVA: “At assemblies the presenters always say things like, “You teens think you're invincible.." Well I don't! I am scared of doing anything!" KAI: “Me too!!”
NARRA, testing out different accents: “Dreadful is the only word I know in British.”
KAI, refusing to eat grapes: “They feel and look and taste like eyeballs!”
KAI: “Who was Albert Einstein?” NARRA: “Well, he was a very smart man. A scientist in fact. He came up with the equation E=MC₂. Energy equals....(pause)” NICK: “I'm interested to see where this is going.”
NARRA: “Oh, I haven’t seen you wear your watch in a while.” EVA: “I realized it was correct again with the time change.”
NICK, to Narra: “I always knew I wanted to grow old with you. I just didn’t know it was going to start this soon.”
NARRA, getting ready to leave for church: Sasha, you look so nice!” EVA, looking at her own outfit: “Should I be nicer?!” KAI: “YES, you should be NICER!”
SASHA, looking for Luna under Eva’s bed: “I can’t see her! I’m just going to put my hand into the Luna void.”
NARRA, after Kai said he was making comics for a girl in his class’s school newspaper: “That’s so cool that she’s putting together a newspaper! I wonder if she wants to be a journalist when she grows up.” KAI: “No, I think she wants to be a unicorn.”
NICK: “When did I become Dumb Dad? I don’t know when it happened, but here I am, just Dumb Dad.”
NARRA, on the phone with Nick: “What do you mean what kind of bandaids?! Just buy bandaids. Regular bandaids. The kind of bandaid you’d draw if you were playing Pictionary!”
NICK walking off the plane into the open-air Honolulu airport for our summer family visit: “I already feel younger, and in better shape.”
NICK watching sister-in-law Elise hula: “I just realized something. The hula-hoop comes from HULA.”
NICK seeing Kai back on his Nintendo Switch again: “Oh, so I guess Kai got permission to get back on. He knows which parent to ask.” EVA: “We all do, Dad.”
EVA trying to bargain with non-touchy-feely Sash: “I will pay you $10 and two I'm-want-to-hug-you-but-I-won'ts!"
NICK as Luna barked and ran around like crazy while Narra chased her: “It sure is loud, but I know she needs it. And by ‘she,’ I mean either one of them.”
NARRA: “Alexa, play New Order.” SASHA: “What’s New Order?” NARRA: “A group I loved in high school.” SASHA: “So now it should be called Old Order.”
NICK hearing Kai and his friends call each other "Bruh": “Every generation needs its own slanguage."
SASHA: Mom, look at this meme.” NARRA: “I don’t get it.” SASHA: “I need to filter the memes I show you for maximum understanding.”
EVA: “Do you know what you call a pumpkin with a mohawk? A punk-in. I just made a dad joke!”
SASHA eating sliced deli cheese: “It’s crazy that any piece I tear off looks like a country. What is this? Australia.”
NARRA: “The mold in your pumpkins looks like the underneath world.” SASHA: “Mom! It’s the upside-down!”
NARRA watching Sasha put her hair up: “That’s a really high ponytail, Arianna Grandey.”
EVA hanging out with the parents on our Thanksgiving multi-family get together: “I like adults.”
NICK to Sasha who was anxious to leave for her choir rehearsal: “We really have about 8 minutes. And in that time I need to eke out some coffee, and some happiness. You want me to be happy, right?”
NARRA: “I’d say we need to get rid of about half of our stuff.” SASHA: “We need the Marie Kondo-Thanos method.”
EVA: “I try to be funny by acting awkward, but people just think I’m awkward.”
NARRA: “I lived in those apartments when I met Dad.” SASHA, as if we were gossipy old ladies: “So...tell me about this Dad...”
NICK to the sleepy Luna who was refusing to go on her morning walk: “Come on, Lulu. There are lots of smells out there!”

Luna looking for rabbits.

Eva (13), Sasha (15), Kai (9), Narra, Nick, and temporary Luna-substitute, Honolulu, HI